Who is Little Miss Free Radical?

What if she is following you everyday without you knowing?
What if you cannot get rid of her?
Free radicals are produced during various metabolic activites carried out inside our body.
Our body also gets exposed to free radicals present in the environment
for eg. sun light, autotomobile exhaust, cigarette smoke.
You won't want to see yourself have wrinkles, dark eye circles, hair fall, spots, white hair right?
The best way to counter it would be anti-oxidation.
The most effective way to anti-oxidation is from within!
Want to know a solution for it? Then continue reading!
You won't want to see yourself have wrinkles, dark eye circles, hair fall, spots, white hair right?
The best way to counter it would be anti-oxidation.
The most effective way to anti-oxidation is from within!
Want to know a solution for it? Then continue reading!
Was at Chevron House last friday! Just imagine the amount of free radicals in this open space!
Anyways guess who I saw there? Mysterious girls in red hoodies!
Look at this girl in a red hoodie (a.k.a Little Miss Free Radical) following the lady in green!
But... BRAND’S® InnerShine® Berry Essence with Grape Seed Extract comes to the rescue!
Look at how Little Miss Free Radical ends up playing with the purple ball (a.k.a OPC).
Little Miss Free Radical is just a playful little girl. Give her OPC and she will stop bothering you ;)
Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins Complexes (OPCs) is an active ingredient that strengthens
collagen in your skin and helps reduce the loss of elastin - the protein that keeps the skin firm.
OPCs from Grape Seed Extract are potent anti-oxidants that can help keep free radicals at bay.
Meaning... these OPCs will help keep the free radicals in your body occupied,
so the free radicals in your body can no longer go around and attack your cells!
Everyone wants to stay young inside out and no one wants unhealthy damaged cells right?
Everyone wants to stay young inside out and no one wants unhealthy damaged cells right?
Anti-oxidants, like OPCs from Grape Seed Extract, are important
as they can help us achieve beauty from the inside-out to complement our beauty regimen.
A photo with all the bloggers at the event! :)
BRAND’S® InnerShine® Berry Essence
with Grape Seed Extract
BRAND'S® InnerShine® Berry Essence with Grape Seed Extract (IBGE) is an all-natural nutritive essence from 5 premium berries (blueberry, blackcurrant, chokeberry, acai berry and cranberry) and it is further fortified with Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin Complexes (OPCs), an active ingredient of grape seed extract. Its high antioxidant properties enhances skin elasticity and gives you youthful and glowing skin.
- Rich in Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin Complexes (OPCs), the active ingredient that helps maintain skin elasticity and promote better blood circulation in skin cells for a healthier glow
- Contains 5 berries rich in potent antioxidants and anthocyanins, vital for the protection of skin cells from the damaging effects of UV radiation, pollution, and other environmental factors
Product Information:
- RSP: $24.90 for a pack of 6 bottles
- Available at selected FairPrice, Cold Storage, Watsons, Guardian and Unity outlets

Personal Review:
Been drinking one bottle it every morning.
The drink was yummy! Even nicer if it is chilled :)
It is a thick berry juice that tastes sweet and a lil sour.
The drink was yummy! Even nicer if it is chilled :)
It is a thick berry juice that tastes sweet and a lil sour.
I like berries so it's definitely something that I won't mind drinking everyday =P
Plus it can help keep my skin healthy and radiant! So why not?
Plus it can help keep my skin healthy and radiant! So why not?
Here is the campaign video!
I think it's a really creative way of showing what free radicals can do to you.
BRAND'S came up with this campaign, centered around a video of young lady and a little girl character called “Little Miss Free Radical” who follows the young lady around, to reflect how free radicals are always around us and we cannot get rid of her, so we need to learn how to manage her – by consuming natural berries that are rich in potent anti-oxidants (eg. OPCs from Grape Seed Extract which can be found in BRAND’S® InnerShine® Berry Essence with Grape Seed Extract).

Like the BRAND’S® InnerShine® Facebook Page for more updates,
promotions, giveaways and fun activities: http://www.fb.com/BrandsInnerShineSG
Do watch the campaign video above, participate in the Facebook game & lucky draw
and stand a chance to win prizes! Enjoy and good luck! ♥
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