I am back! Actually I should have blogged earlier but I was really too busy/tired.
Ended my exams and presentations on 28th, staycation on 29th.
Then was trying to pay all the sleep debt after that.
Anyways here is my month in photos for the month of november!
Don't really have much to post actually?
Cause I was busy with FYP and catching up all my mods.
Saturday, 1st November 2014

Joined the Hello Kitty Race with jocelyn, her friends and their bfs. It was an epic race lols.
For a start, before we even crossed the starting line, it started pouring HEAVILY -.-
Though it poured heavily, it was fun and we were laughing throughout.
It was our first time joining a race hence we were super unprepared for the rain.
Then... we were like omg if our phones get damaged, this phone will cost us $1065.
Halfway we saw people's shoe sole drop off and we were like omg another $200 added to the cost.
Finally we reached the 3k/3k+ mark and we were like "omg 3k only how long more".
One min later "the finish line infront leh! omg we finish 1k+ in 1min!".
Now you know how much fun I had walking in the rain with them? Hahahas.
Anyways, apparently it wasn't a 5k walk. That designed route was only 3k+ :/
And wasn't fun when we nearly couldn't get our medals. Heard some people got 4-5 medals -.-
I guess the organizer needs to better improve the way they hand out medals? It was quite a chaos.
Tip for those who are joining races/marathons:
ALWAYS zip your phone in a zip lock bag before the race.
Some brought ponchos and umbrellas cause they weren't running.
But regardless of whether you are running or not, you should always prep your phones for the rain!
This was something we never thought of!
Luckily Shumin bought water so we had a plastic bag to keep all our phones
and raymond held it for us!
and raymond held it for us!
Sunday, 2nd November 2014

Togi with Xinci.
Had the same army stew I had with Fel the other time!
Hmm and that day's sides wasn't as good :/
Wednesday, 5th November 2014

Attended Lush event!
Thanks to Yingjie for bringing me as her +1 :)
Thursday, 13th November 2014

Submitted a hardcopy of my report to my profs.
After that I gave a demo of my proj to the examiner.
And it was time to catch up with my other mods.
Spent a lot of time on this FYP!
Was lagging behind for two mods :/

And... after school I spotted a rainbow!
It was really pretty cause Sunset + Rainbow :)
Hmm just that it was a lil too cloudy hahas.

So the rest of my time from 14th to 25th December were spent studying at home/Changi Airport.
I did slack a lil too la. That's how you all get new blog posts hahas.
And 26th and 27th were my exam dates!
Thursday, 27th November 2014

Hopefully my last paper for my whole education in NTU.
Please let me pass everything!
Friday, 28th November 2014

Had my FYP oral presentation in the morning :)
That's why I was in formal wear ;)

After that I went to IDS Clinic for a pampering facial session!
Had quite a bit of breakout due to stress.
Decided to go for a facial to get rid of whatever clogs that were left.
Saturday, 29th November 2014

Staycation with my family at RWS.
It was raining the whole day though so we just stayed in the room to chill.

Brought my goodies from Candylicious to snack on! Yummy max.
And... I actually ate a chocolate bar before I took this photo. Opps.
Btw, Candylicious opened their store at Vivo City on 1st December!
You can now get your yummy candies there,
visit their Bake-a-licious Studio and even hold a party there!
P.S They got macarons there too!
Do pop by to check it out ;)

Background image from google
31 days from my Korea Trip (counting from 1st Dec lols)
Was supposed to do this post on 1st December but I was really too tired.
To-dos for the month of December!
(Not in any particular order)
1. Complete itinerary for Korea
Can't wait to travel!!! Hope I can experience real snow.
Will be skiing and there should be snow? Hahas.
It's currently snowing in Seoul already though!
How I wish I can fly there now!
2. Prep Korea trip stuffs
I think I don't have enough clothes for the trip!
Thinking if I should buy more sweaters.
Already settled all my heat techs and stuffs.
Actually don't really need to worry about the clothes cause we are renting apartments.
Those apartments have washing machine and dryers! :)
I still need to settle my coat though!
I haven't gone to any winter countries before.
All my trips were either to tropical countries or I travel during summer.
Guess I will be borrowing one coat and buying another in Korea! :)
3. Job hunting
Not avidly looking for a job yet.
But still keeping a lookout! :)
4. Pack my wardrobe
Always in a mess. No matter how I pack, after awhile it turns into a mess again :/
Been trying to buy less cotton clothing since I am gonna start work soon.
But seems like my wardrobe is still full of cotton clothing. Opps.
5. Pack my beauty drawers
I believe I have some new products lost somewhere in the messy stack :/
Must pack so I have space to keep whatever I buy back from Korea!
I think it's gonna be a crazy trip lols.
6. Clear stuffs from my hard disk
This I have been trying to clear since donkey years ago.
Tried clearing them sometime back but ended up procrastination so half of it was uncleared.
Someone please remind me why I keep my stuffs in so many layers of folders?
I have stuffs from way back in secondary school to clear off from my hard disk!
P.S I do back up my hard disk with another hard disk lols.
Does anyone do that too? =P
7. Watch dramas
Once upon a time season two is out!
Oh and I sort of stopped watching vampire diaries after season 2 :/
Hmm and I've got a few korean dramas that I want to catch too! :)
8. Blog
I am completely out of drafts.
If I don't start blogging soon, I don't think you all will see any blog posts for the next week at least :/
Beauty Product of the Month
- IDS Clinic Products -

Here are my favorite IDS Clinic products.
Actually they have been my long time favorite.
But I am sharing it this month cause...
1. I haven't shared them before
2. I just did a full IDS product review post this month
3. I haven't been trying new products this month
Anyways my favorites out of my favorites would be:
Facial Scrub, C+, OM, S2 and Clear10
Actually all are my fav just that these are more unique!
Not something I can easily find in the market ;)
Clear10 replaced my love for SPOT hahas.
They are meant for different things but somehow works the same?
Clear10 is for patch acne while Spot is for spot acne hahas.
Actually they have been my long time favorite.
But I am sharing it this month cause...
1. I haven't shared them before
2. I just did a full IDS product review post this month
3. I haven't been trying new products this month
Anyways my favorites out of my favorites would be:
Facial Scrub, C+, OM, S2 and Clear10
Actually all are my fav just that these are more unique!
Not something I can easily find in the market ;)
Clear10 replaced my love for SPOT hahas.
They are meant for different things but somehow works the same?
Clear10 is for patch acne while Spot is for spot acne hahas.
Music of the Month
- Blank Space by Taylor Swift -
Got this song on replay!
Not really a fan of the other tracks in the album though :/
Got this song on replay!
Not really a fan of the other tracks in the album though :/
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