It's 2015 and I am currently in Korea! :)
And yes, this is yet another scheduled post drafted on 30th December hahas.

image from google
2014 has been quite a year for me *warning: wordy post* Let's have a recap 2014 instead of listing my new year resolutions? Cause my new year resolutions are just to get a job that I like, spend more time with my family (still trying to plan an overseas trip with them), and to enjoy a good work, life balance! Similar to last year just that I removed a couple of points cause...
This girl here graduated! As of 29th December 2014, I am officially a graduate! Sis and I graduated in the same year :) Oh and I managed to pull up my GPA but still the same class honours lols so no diff. Long story as to why I graduated a year later but in short it was due to gastric flu during one of the semesters. I would say extending one semester had a good and bad side. Good side was that my final semester was quite chill, I only got to school one day per week and had an opportunity to spend more time with my family. Also, I managed to see the true colors some people. Bad side was that I have to grad one sem later lo. But it isn't that bad too since I have friends who extend one sem too? So I still had company in school :) Also I can still have my grad trip with friends and that leads me to the next point!
Seeing snow for the first time! A grad trip with my friends in the same batch! Actually... this be considered something fulfilled in 2015 right? Cause as of now, I should be on my flight from BKK to ICN. My flight is on 31st December and I only reach Korea on 1st January. But anyways, I'm assuming I will see snow there. I should right? Cause I'm going to their ski resort too!

And in 2014 I had my first half marathon! To be honest, my legs weren't aching the next day cause I walked a lot hahas. Was having cramps so I only ran like 2k+? I was having very bad cramps that day :( I never planned to run full 21k too since the most I've ever ran was 3k lols. Okays maybe 5k in JC. Anyways, my friends said I walked very quickly though cause I was 2k apart from them by the time they ended the race. So at least I brisk walk ok and there were still quite a bit of people behind me =P
I also had the opportunity to sign on as one of Boom Collective's bloggers! It's definitely something new for me since I'm always been a freelance blogger. Still doing freelance blogging though, the only difference is that I will get additional assignments from Boom Collective :) Next, I'm thankful for my sponsors who have stayed with me all the way and/or continuing the collaborations! Pro Trim Hair Salon, for taking good hair of my hair and giving me pretty hair colors! Thank you Tino, Selyn and all the staffs at Pro Trim 313 :) IDS Clinic, for sponsoring me at the start of the year and taking good care of my skin. Thank you Chester and Dr Tan for helping me with my skin problems. Btw, I still go to the clinic regularly! Lastly, all the opportunities to collaboration with various PRs :)
In short, 2014 has been not bad a year but I definitely do hope 2015 can be even better! ;) May 2015 be an awesome year for everyone!!! ♥