A post for those JC and Poly grads out there!
You guys are all at the cross road of your education path right now.
I totally understand how you all feel cause I had this choice that I have to make 2 years ago too!
(Currently it's my sis who is at this crossroad)

photo from weheartit
Are you having a headache because there are just too many choices to choose from?

Have more than 1 course that you are interested in and have no idea which to take?
What if you could enjoy the best of both worlds? ;)

Want to know how? Read on!
Have you ever heard of Kaplan?
Kaplan emerged from humble beginnings some 70 years ago when founder Stanley Kaplan started offering “tuition” classes in his Brooklyn basement in 1938. It has since become a leading international provider of educational and career services for individuals, schools and businesses, catering to more than 1 million students from more than 500 locations around the world.
So what about Kaplan that I'm gonna share with you all?
Murdoch University is now at Kaplan! And they are having programmes now allows you wider choices to study more than one discipline with their extensive double major degree programmes. Hence, if you can’t make up your mind, now you have the opportunity to choose 2 in order to “Twice the Knowledge and Double your Edge”! Good right? Save all your headaches from choosing 2 out of 1!
Check out the creative flash mob that Kaplan Higher Education has come up with to coincide with the Double Major D! Love flash mobs! Always thought it was cool and fun! :)
Like the flash mob said, “Double your Major, Double your Future!”
Very often when we are choosing from so many different degree options in a university, we all hope that we can take up more than one option. At least I did thought of that when I was at this cross road 2 years ago. But to tell you the truth, I have no idea what I had interest in :( Yes, even at the age of 18 I had no idea what I want to be in the future. But I've never related myself to art/humanities/science courses (just have no interest in those) so I was more towards business, finance and engineering type of courses.

But of course I can't choose both! And my grades narrowed my choices down to engineering and I was more keen towards electrical engineering (maybe due to my dad's influence?) and that was my chosen path 2 years ago - Electrical and Electronics Engineering at EEE.

But of course I can't choose both! And my grades narrowed my choices down to engineering and I was more keen towards electrical engineering (maybe due to my dad's influence?) and that was my chosen path 2 years ago - Electrical and Electronics Engineering at EEE.
I realised that Kaplan actually has no engineering degrees but they have lots of business degrees!
So if I have this opportunity to choose between the lists of double major degree programmes that Kaplan offers, how best would I use this skill to advance your life’s goals?
1) I can study two degrees which I have a hard time choosing one.
2) I learn more. More knowlege is better than less. Who knows if it might come to good use.
3) I can work in a field which I have interest in.
4) With a double degree, I will have more options when I want to work in the future.
5) Become successful and return to the community.
5) Become successful and return to the community.
And which do you think I will choose?
(Just sharing one of the many many double major combinations with you)
* hints: i had interest in business and finance and engineering *
Some details about the double degree program that interest me?
* Details credits to Kaplan but I've highlighted the main points *
Structure and Content (A general idea)
The course consists of 15 units and may be completed in a minimum of 20 months. Students have the option to enrol in either single or double majors (of course here the aim is to take double majors cause can't make up your mind right?)
Professional Recognition
Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA)
(associate membership)
Australian Institute of Banking and Finance
Core Units
a) International Business
Marketing Management
Consumer Behaviour
International Marketing
Organisational Theory and Behavior
Organisational Development and Human Resources Management
International Management
Changing Economies of Asia
International Financial Markets and Institutions
Chinese Business
b) Finance
Finance Law
Corporate Finance
Treasury Management
Investment Analysis
International Finance
Derivative Securities
*Note that Finance Law, Corporate Finance and Treasury Management actually overlaps in Degree for Banking! So it's like 2-in-1 for finance ;) *
Entry Requirement (What you will want to know right?)
The Bachelor of Commerce in International Business and Finance course accepts a wide range of qualifications. These include:
Polytechnic Diploma
Private Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Additional Entry Requirements:
Applicants admitted to the Bachelor of Commerce course may be required to undertake additional units in order to fulfill the required credit points. The final decision rests with Murdoch University.
Applicants are required to meet Murdoch University English language requirement
Delivery Method (It's a after working hours school!)
Students will attend a combination of lectures, tutorials and workshops in this course. This Bachelor of Commerce in International Business and Finance course consists of 15 units and may be completed in a minimum of 20 months by enrolling in 2-3 units per trimester over at least 5 academic trimesters. Each unit is supported with 36 contact hours over the duration of a trimester, conducted on weekday evenings and weekends to suit the busy schedules of students enrolled in this course. (Means you can work and study! Since it's like evening/weekend classes!)
Assessment Methods
Each unit can be assessed by any combination of class participation, written assignments, project reports and/or written examination. Examinations will normally be held after office hours.
Graduation and Degree
Students who successfully complete the course will be awarded the prestigious Bachelor of Commerce in International Business and Finance. The degree will be the same as that awarded to on-campus students of the University. Graduates will be allowed to use the title BCom (Murdoch) after their names.
With all this said and shared, the fact is still that my path has already been chosen 2 years ago.
NONETHELESS all these info is to share with those who are at their cross roads now!
More info = More university options = Can make a better choice!

So remember now you can advance your life goals with Murdoch’s Double Major Degree and Masters programmes offered at Kaplan Higher Education on a full time and part time basis!
Find out more details at http://www.kaplan.com.sg/khei/partners/murdoch-university-9/ :)
P.S Sorry for the non-makeup and low quality photos :( No one to help me take photos so I used my macbook camera. And sad my macbook takes low quality photo :( I need a new laptop!!
P.S Sorry for the non-makeup and low quality photos :( No one to help me take photos so I used my macbook camera. And sad my macbook takes low quality photo :( I need a new laptop!!
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