Another My Week in Photos post :) So I am now Year 4 in NTU!
First week of school was well... super chillax?
All the lectures are teaching you the history of the modules.
100% not something that they will test you in the exams.
But anyways I have been a good girl, attended all most of my lectures for week one ;)
Here are my week one photos!

First Back to School photo hahas.
It was a mad cold morning and I had cold watermelon juice #win
Was totally freezing the rest of the day lols.

Photo with Yuji during our first lecture together!
Well... first lecture nothing much one so take photo? Hahas =P

Then met Mark and Kelvin for lunch.
Mark drove us out to IMM and drove us back to school again :)
Good thing about having a friend who drive ;)
The above photos were all from day one of school.
Hahas I know right, day one only spam photos already =P

Day two's lunch!
Chicken chop at MOF with Yuji :)
This meal was super filling. I couldn't finish my wedges (as usual).
Why my appetite so small but I so fat arr?
I really really really need to lose weight!
Anyways we did some shopping around JP after that ;)

Day five, which is today!
Went to DRx Clinic for my third laser treatment and also replenished my products.
Well... I self declared no schools on friday.
Cause I only have two lectures and one tutorial and I self swap that tutorial slot to monday.
So... friday is a e-learning day hahahas! Online lectures, you are a life saver!
Still trying to get used to waking up at 6am everyday and sleeping at 12mn every night!
My timetable isn't that horrible actually *self console* engineering timetables are always like that.
Good thing that EEE has recorded lectures for all/most modules! :)
Anyways, I've scheduled a couple of posts for the next few days.
I hope this blog won't get neglected when school starts. Need to prioritize my time well.
Will try to schedule posts whenever possible and focus on my studies at the same time!
And... as I am typing this post, my face is mad red cause the laser treatment!
As usual, I will have my post up in about a week or two.
I guess it won't be as detailed as the previous posts already?
Since you all already know what will happen.
But still, I will be doing a post for it cause DRx increased the intensity of this laser treatment!
I hope my face will be okay on monday though.
Still need to go school next week! Hahahas.
Trying to be a good girl okay. Else I will pon even more classes.
I hope my face will be okay on monday though.
Still need to go school next week! Hahahas.
Trying to be a good girl okay. Else I will pon even more classes.
So... that's very much what happened for week one hahas.
That's all for this post! :)
That's all for this post! :)
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