Well, week 5 in LA was quite a quiet week!
Either it was really quiet or I didn't take much photos :/
Monday - 23 July 2012

Skipped class with my friends and had salad on the grass!
Anw, that was the only class we skipped in USA hahas.
Hardworking right?

Movie at night! Photo taken at 7+PM. It looks really bright right?
Their sun sets really late during summer!
Anw this was a few days after the shooting incident in Colorado :/

Late night grocery shopping after the movie!
Spot the popcorn bucket and Dark Knight movie poster.
They were giving out movie posters after the movie!
I have no idea where I kept mine though :/
Anyway, we always do grocery shopping after school/movies hahas.
And yes, we always fill the trolley to the brim =P
Tuesday - 24 July 2012

3rd Street Promenade
Santa Monica, CA
I had wanted to write "I forgot why we come here" then I remembered...
If I didn't rmb wrongly we took a bus cause we didn't rent any cars that week.
Anyways, we were all there to try clothes at A&F.
Had to test our sizes first before buying online (they were having a sale online) ;)

Dinner at Wolfgang Puck.
We were hungry and couldn't decided where to eat.
So we ended up at where we ate when we came here in week 3.
Half of us had Wolfgang Puck and another half had Subway hahas.
Wednesday - 25 July 2012

Nothing much, just shoe shopping after school!
End up Amelia, Joy and I bought the same pair.
And I took this photo cause I couldn't decide between the black and nude pair.
It's not a real jeffrey campbell, it's an inspired one.
I'm ok with inspired products BUT not imitation goods.
Imitation meaning they even copy the brand logo!
Okays not really against. I'm fine with others using imitation goods.
Thursday - 26 July 2012

Lunch in school!
Jumba Juice and Wetzel's Pretzels!
I miss them so much!!!

A random slice of sharro.
Yes, these are the kind of food you find in school.
Pizza, Fast Food, Pretzels, Panda Express, Juices, etc.

Wanted to takeaway In-And-Out Burger but we all ended up eating there lols.
This was before our night bus to San Francisco!

At the Greyhound bus terminal waiting for our bus!
And yes, our tickets were only $2 for a round trip!
There was this $2 offer if you book your tickets 3 weeks ahead.
I don't think they now still have this offer though :/
Btw, I think it's good to take such late night buses.
1. You won't spend time traveling, reach in the morning and can visit places straight.
2. The guys (or whoever usually drives) can sleep too and have energy in the morning.
That way, everyone can enjoy the trip :)
The bus wasn't really comfy to sleep on.
But... at least we could all get some rest and maximize the time we have in SF.
For our trip, they did stopover for refuel and they alighted us at BK to use the toilet and get food.
Before our bus ride, weida and jasper went to get us Mcdonald's too!
So we had food all the way! First Macs then BK hahahas.
I still rmb them telling us they had to queue with the cars at the Macs drive-through hahas.
Anyways, that's all for week 5!
We arrived in San Francisco on a Friday morning.
So yupps, next post will be on San Francisco :)
wow i loved it