Well... I got addicted to doing these "My Week in Photos" posts.
Afterall, my blog started off as a diary :)
I won't be writing this every week I guess.
Can foresee that some weeks will be rather dull.
But... so far so good :)
Since the previous post ended with last Friday, let's start with last Saturday :)

Last Saturday I made maki sushi with my grandma! :)
Cucumber + Mayo + Furikake
Simple cucumber maki cause grandma insist that I just had my laser done
and cannot eat eggs or crab stick.
Doctor also didn't say cannot. But since she don't allow, oh wells.

One of the days I received more products from Make Up For Ever (MUFE)!
Love MUFE products to bits. You can check out my first MUFE on the Blue Sepia palette here :)
My face has almost fully recovered from the laser. Can't wait to try these products!

My dear MacBook Air arrived on monday :) Sponsored by my daddy hahas.
Got psycho-ed by my friends to get this and upgrade to the max.
My Macbook white has been my "desktop" for quite some time cause my battery died.
It reached it's 1000 battery cycle and died on me! Lesson learnt: don't let it reach 1000 battery cycles!
For mac users, whenever you can use the power supply, just use it.
Bought this MacBook Air cause I needed a lappy that I can use without power supply.
And love this MacBook Air cause it's so light! :) Thank you daddy!
Actually my panasonic GF6 also sponsored by him hahas.

Study date with my east side study buddy, Xin Ci! :)
Okays we didn't study as much this time cause some things cropped up.
And also I underestimated the amount of lectures that I am lagging.
So some tutorials that I brought there, I can't do hahas.
But at least got study abit ;) Oh and I got baby mantou there to eat :)

Received a Limited Edition Bellabox!
Specially for the celebration of Singapore’s birth month,
Bellabox worked with a designer to get this beautiful peranakan design!

Saturday meet up with my JC clique.
Had lunch at Lerk Thai followed by Gong Cha.
No full attendance though.
In the photos (clockwise) - Me, Li Hui, Shiyun, Kai Ru
Missing - Alicia, Vicky, Fang Ru
Won't be able to have full attendance for a year,
cause Li Hui is flying off to scotland next week!
She's gonna tour USA too. I'm super jealous bout that!
Told her to pack me in her luggage hahas =P

After meeting the girls, I met up with Felicia!
And... we forgot to take photos together!
Anyways we had Gong cha and HK sheng Kee dessert together :)
The photo above is the liu sha bao we had.
I always forget to take photos together one...
Next time whoever meetup with me remind me can? Hahas.
We had a long htht session. Miss talking to this girl!
We have forever non-ending topics to talk one.
Everytime in hall we say we will sleep soon but end up chatting till late in the night!
Now abit hard for us to meetup cause our timetable's don't match at all.
But... we will meet up again soon ;)
Next meetup planned already hahas! #secret
So... that's all for my week!
Today shall be mugging day.
And the vicious school cycle starts tomorrow.
I really really really need to catch up on all my lectures!
Finally completed clearing week one lectures and tutorials only.
Will blog again soon!
We have forever non-ending topics to talk one.
Everytime in hall we say we will sleep soon but end up chatting till late in the night!
Now abit hard for us to meetup cause our timetable's don't match at all.
But... we will meet up again soon ;)
Next meetup planned already hahas! #secret
So... that's all for my week!
Today shall be mugging day.
And the vicious school cycle starts tomorrow.
I really really really need to catch up on all my lectures!
Finally completed clearing week one lectures and tutorials only.
Will blog again soon!
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